Gambiarra: repair culture by Felipe Fonseca
Felipe Fonseca co-founded the MetaReciclagem network in 2002. This “historical” maker denounces the entrepreneurial drift of the movement in “Repair culture” and here, for Makery.
Published 31 March 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Felipe Fonseca co-founded the MetaReciclagem network in 2002. This “historical” maker denounces the entrepreneurial drift of the movement in “Repair culture” and here, for Makery.
Published 12 February 2015 by François Robin
Makery visited SPQwoRk, a “talents container” between co-working space and fablab, in the Tirburtina district in the centre of Rome.
Published 10 February 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
In Sao Paulo, Garagem born in 2013 as a company, is developing a platform for innovative projects and is setting up mid-February its first “Biohack Academy”.