WYHIWYS 4: Is there a pilot in the drone?
Drones flying left, right and centre… The new WYHIWYS (What You Hear Is What You See) column from Damien Bourniquel, hacker artist at Blackboxe, for Makery.
Published 28 February 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Drones flying left, right and centre… The new WYHIWYS (What You Hear Is What You See) column from Damien Bourniquel, hacker artist at Blackboxe, for Makery.
Published 23 January 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
For his third WYHIWYS (What You Hear Is What You See) column, hacker artist, created a mash-up of 36 videos in homage to the victims of the January 2015 attacks in Paris.
Published 30 September 2014 by Ewen Chardronnet
Artist Damien Bourniquel, from the Blackboxe hackerspace in Paris, has created for Makery a cacophonic mash-up on 3D printing.