Rural.Scapes, a rural lab for artists, cows and chicken in Brazil
The Rural.Scapes farm is a lab that defends “Rural Intermedia”, confronts artists with local territory and know-how.
Published 22 June 2015 by la rédaction
The Rural.Scapes farm is a lab that defends “Rural Intermedia”, confronts artists with local territory and know-how.
Published 13 June 2015 by la rédaction
Prior to E3, the largest video game trade show in the world, in LA from 16th - 19th of June, Oculus pulls out all the stops to seduce gamers…and announces a partnership with Microsoft.
Published 12 May 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Artist Damien Bourniquel, from Blackboxe, has created for Makery a mash-up of his WYHIWYS series dedicated to Mario, the legendary plumber.
Published 25 November 2014 by la rédaction
Zoo Machine Festival in Lille shows 12 prototype games resulting from a gamejam that brought together 150 artists, students, game developers and designers.