Space Seed takes root in the labs
Chinese artist and designer Li Yu was at La Paillasse (biohackerspace, Paris) for a new stage of her poetic and crazy “Space Seed” project. Interview.
Published 19 January 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Chinese artist and designer Li Yu was at La Paillasse (biohackerspace, Paris) for a new stage of her poetic and crazy “Space Seed” project. Interview.
Published 11 November 2014 by la rédaction
Sporty, curious, worried? And what if you made your cardiac sensor yourself?
Published 22 September 2014 by Ewen Chardronnet
Makery met Mary Tsang and Ben Welmond in Los Angeles, where they finishes “DIYsect”, a webdoc on biohacktivism.
Published 4 September 2014 by Ewen Chardronnet
At LA Biohackers, children, parents and hackers meet around DIY biology.
Published 29 July 2014
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