Do Doc and Opendoc, design to help documentation
From the 11th until the 14th of June, l’Atelier des chercheurs is presenting at Futur en Seine Do Doc, an educational documentation station that inspired Opendoc, a new tool for fablabs.
Published 9 June 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
From the 11th until the 14th of June, l’Atelier des chercheurs is presenting at Futur en Seine Do Doc, an educational documentation station that inspired Opendoc, a new tool for fablabs.
Published 9 June 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
As the Internet of Things takes off, prototyping kits are all the rage. Makery shows you what's new in 2015.
Published 8 June 2015 by la rédaction
Makery visited SenseCube in Paris, one of the rare incubators specialized in start-up projects for solidarity.
Published 8 June 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Peanut shells, rice bran, cow pat and homemade moulds… Our material maker continues her inspiring immersion in Togo, at the bio-sourced local material lab.
Published 2 June 2015 by la rédaction
How to make your own beer? The Makery recipe to brew 7 liters of pure lager.
Published 2 June 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Fi Scott, a designer/maker, lists Scotland’s makers and manufacturers on the Scottish platform Make Works. A sort of Airbnb of makers.
Published 2 June 2015 by la rédaction
Where does DIY dressmaking stand? On May 27th, the intelligent and connected textile day that took place at Stereolux in Nantes provided an update. Makery was there.
Published 1 June 2015 by la rédaction
"1000 Galantes" from the experimental collective One Life Remains is similar to a life-size collaborative game. Up to 25 people can interact with laser pointers on a "black box" area
Published 26 May 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Iranian artist Morehshin Allahyari is committed to 3D printing thousands-year-old sculptures that were destroyed in Mosul in February by Daech jihadists.
Published 26 May 2015 by la rédaction
In a minimalist DIY approach to save their over-eager fingers from carpal tunnel syndrome, a few makers tried their hands at hacking the mobile matchmaking app Tinder.
Published 26 May 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Wikimedia France held a hackathon near Lyon from May 23rd to 25th, where 250 members of a community with millions of volunteer contributors got together to improve the sharing of knowledge.
Published 26 May 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Staging mock negotiations ahead of COP21 in December is the aim of the “Theatre of Negotiations” event this week. Makery visited the construction site.
Published 22 May 2015 by la rédaction
Passing objects transform virtual reality into “surrealism” in “Lab’Surd”, installation of the researcher artist Judith Guez.
Published 19 May 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
In Togo, the makers community of Minodoo organizes OpenSourceTours, some wandering introductory events in the true spirit of open source.
Published 19 May 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
A huge mix of geekeries and experiences for the general public made up the programme for the THSF, a festival organized by art collective Mix’art Myrys and Tetalab hackerspace, May 14-17, in Toulouse.
Published 18 May 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
An application to have an object you designed in vector produced, it's Fab Family, editing platform for a democratised and distributed design.
Published 18 May 2015 by la rédaction
Furniture made of reusable pallets is the workshop proposed by the green warriors of UpCycly in Montreuil, as part of the peach wall Festival on May 24th. Makery was there.
Published 12 May 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
The crew of Compagnie du Bátar presented in Toulouse Fablab Festival its very own longship, 100% homemade in extreme DIY.
Published 12 May 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Artist Damien Bourniquel, from Blackboxe, has created for Makery a mash-up of his WYHIWYS series dedicated to Mario, the legendary plumber.
Published 11 May 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
A network of French fablabs in the works, 50 fablabs and 5,000 visitors were present: The Toulouse Fablab Festival passes the test of its first edition with flying colours.