Hacking a smoke detector to prevent flooding
When floods are coming, there is a way to convert a smoke detector into a water detector. Here’s how.
Published 30 September 2014 by la rédaction
When floods are coming, there is a way to convert a smoke detector into a water detector. Here’s how.
Published 30 September 2014 by la rédaction
Benjamin Bernard created a prototype to shoot panoramic views of Brittan. Like Google Street View, but his prototype fits in a backpack.
Published 23 September 2014 by la rédaction
A huge high-tech prototyping workshop: this is Usine IO in Paris. Guided tour with Gary Cige, co-founder.
Published 23 September 2014 by la rédaction
In order to supply power to all sorts of objects, the LittleBits EMG SpikerBox kit uses muscular electric activity.
Published 16 September 2014 by la rédaction
Learn how to grow herbs with little or no maintenance on your bookshelf.
Published 16 September 2014 by la rédaction
It's not the first 3D-printed car. However, it is the first to have such a big audience during its production.
Published 16 September 2014 by la rédaction
Lab-REV's crew transforms a boat into a lab to prove the relevance of associating digital fabrication, ecological activism and yachting.
Published 9 September 2014 by la rédaction
An umbrella is handy. A tinkered umbrella is, in addition, illuminated and interactive.
Published 8 September 2014 by la rédaction
48 hours to tackle innovation through artistic prototy
Published 29 July 2014 by la rédaction
Un tutoriel complet d’encre conductrice à base de poudre de graphite.
Published 29 July 2014 by la rédaction
More and more projects dedicated to making life easier for handicapped people are popping up in the labs.
Published 22 July 2014 by la rédaction
Overlooking Barcelona lies an experimental fablab that is one-of-a-kind: Valldaura, the self-sufficient Green Fablab.
Published 8 July 2014 by la rédaction
10 fablabbers and their points of view, projects, needs, ambitions from all over the world.
Published 7 July 2014 by la rédaction
Published 1 July 2014 by la rédaction
"Sur les rails" is the fruit of the collaborative labour between sound artists keen on circuit bending and autistic and disabled people.
Published 23 June 2014 by la rédaction
7,500 visitors roamed the aisles of the first Maker Faire Paris on the 21st and 22nd of June at Centquatre. A public success despite some muddles.
Published 17 June 2014 by la rédaction
This is (almost) Van Gogh’s severed ear.
Published 7 June 2014 by la rédaction
“It was awesome, I’m exhausted.” Baptiste Gaultier, engineer at Télécom Bretagne, comments on the success of the first French MOOC FAB.
Published 7 June 2014 by la rédaction
The first open-source platform intended to share human genotype is celebrating its 1000th online genotype.
Published 7 June 2014 by la rédaction
The best way to be anonymous is to be anyone or rather… be Leo Selvaggio.