Make your own DiY pallet pool for under 100 euros
Published 11 August 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Had enough of the heat? To cool off without shelling out more than 100 euros, Makery found this DiY pool made from recycled pallets.
Ah, pallets, the maker’s (other) best friend… Easy to find (as companies often need to pay to have them removed, they are more than happy to give them away), sturdy and standardized, pallets were made for recycling.
After garden furniture and deco design, Makery shows you how to make your own swimming pool out of recycled pallets. As seen on Buzzsumo, this DiY pool can be built over a weekend with minimal materials for less than 100 euros. Get out those pallets!
– 9 pallets
– 3 big tarps
– straps
– wide waterproof duct tape
– a dozen old bath towels
– bamboo planks
– roll of fine bamboo wattle
– hammer and nails
1. Arrange the pallets in a circle on a big tarp.

2. Secure the pallets with straps.

3. Use a second tarp to line the inside and drape bath towels over the cracks to round out the inner edges.

4. Lay the bamboo planks around the outside to make a rim, line the inside with the third tarp and secure with tape.

5. Decorate with bamboo wattle, fill with water and dive in!

Complete tutorial (in French) on Buzzsumo
For everything and anything you ever wanted to know about the art of recycling pallets, see our articles “Do It Yourself: pallet it be” and “Pallet it Yourself under cover of the peach walls“