DIY: a drone-keyboard, cerebral LEDs, a muscular puppet…
Published 24 March 2015 by la rédaction
18 participants met at the 2nd DIY organised by Makery on Saturday the 21st of March, to come up with most varied creations. Photo highlights.
Text and photos Quentin Chevrier
On the ground floor of Les EKLUZ, cultural and digital factory in the 10th arrondissement of Paris, the room is slowly filling up as of 2pm on Saturday the 21st of March. A few regulars, lots of new faces; the participants of the 2nd DIY organised by Makery engage in an afternoon of prototyping, under a poster specifying “this is not a hackathon”.
Some, like Pablo and Christine from the Lorem Fablab, or Paul from the Rueil-Malmaison Radio-Club, came with a lot of personal equipment. Others come with their hands in their pockets, counting on an encounter and a sudden inspiration when they see the pile of salvage. A hazardous choice for only a few hours of prototyping! So much the better! There is nothing to gain and nothing to lose, just enjoyment.

Clavier volant non identifié hier chez @makeryfr #BricoleItYourself
View the photo album of the event on Makery’s Flickr
Next edition of the DIY end of April beginning of May. To get the info, send “date DiY” by email to