Loungeshare #3, from dustbin to daring design
Published 18 November 2014 by la rédaction
Turn 30 cubic metres of waste into functional design furniture on the theme of “sitting down”: that was the goal of 27 designers, craftsmen and curious onlookers gathered at ICI Montreuil for the 3rd edition of Loungeshare last week-end. Photo gallery.
The collaborative creation event, Loungeshare, took over the makerspace ICI Montreuil for its 3rd edition on November 15th and 16th. This design sprint gathered 27 participants (for more than 200 applications) mixing profiles of designers, architects, engineers but also curious onlookers willing to get blisters on their thumbs just for fun.
Each team of three (a designer, a DiY engineer, a curious onlooker) has a mission to create a functional piece of furniture from a 30m3 stock of waste collected throughout Paris. The objects designed during this third edition will be shown at an opening ceremony on November 20th at ICI Montreuil then auctioned off. The profits will be shared equally between all the participants. Photo gallery of these intense two days of which Makery was a partner.

Discover (and test) all the creations on Thursday, November 20th, during the opening ceremony at ICI Montreuil.
Text and pictures by Quentin Chevrier