“Sur les rails”, deviant compilation
Published 1 July 2014 by la rédaction
“Sur les rails” is the fruit of the collaborative labour between sound artists keen on circuit bending and autistic and disabled people.

Mix fablabers from Marseille, musicians keen on DiY, autistic people and people with mental or psychological disabilities in a workshop on music making, and you will get a most singular project. It was presented as an exhibition at Point éphémère in Paris from June 24th to 29th, as a concert on June 25th (still at Point éphémère) and as a compilation to listen to online and get hold of over here for 10 euros.
Friday 25th, on the stage of Point éphémère, the Harrys, the Wild Classical Music Ensemble, the Cat club and the DJs from Sonic Protest pulled off the tour de force of completely turning around perceptions: the “normal” person is not the one you think. The proof with the unbridled energy of the band of Belgian autistic and motor disabled musicians of the Wild Classical Musical Ensemble who produce instruments and tunes with unrestrained rigor and spirit that would make a John Zom green with envy.
The get-together was initiated by the brand new Public transport collective trained byAtelier Méditerrannée, “dedicated to the promotion of experimental music and fine arts with an autistic public or in a mental or psychiatric disability situation, to the development of a network between the various actors, to sharing practices and questions they spark off as well as research for the design of new adapted instruments.” In addition to the compilation that is bliss to the ears, another part of this unprecedented joint effort between makers, DiYers, musicians and disabled people will be presented as part of the summer event “Bande Originale”, organised by the MU collective (sound artists) all along the Ourcq canal in Paris from mid-July to mid-August.