Labtrotters tour the globe
Published 3 June 2014 by la rédaction
From fab lab to hackerspace, they set off in search of makers and tinkerers across America, Africa, India, Netherlands… Makery caught up with them.
Camille Bosqué, Daily Laurel and Quitterie Largeteau tour fab labs around the world. But before they tell you their adventures, Makery gives a brief introduction.

Camille Bosqué is a researcher. She is writing her thesis on fablabs, hackerspaces and makerspaces. Her research has led her from the Dakar fablab to the MIT Norway fablab, to Maker Faire in Rome, to the FAB9 symposium in Tokyo (the annual meeting of all fablabs), to the OHM festival in Amsterdam, to Techshop and the Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco, among others. Camille also writes for and the print magazine Wedemain, while speaking at numerous conferences. She recently co-organized the Ateliers des possibles at Cnam in Paris.

Daily Laurel is a photographer. He never stays still and gets around whenever possible on a skateboard covered with fab lab stickers. Trained as a bio-reseacher, Quitterie Largeteau is no skater but wanted to approach biology and research from a new angle. One day, Daily found at La Paillasse (biohacklab in Paris) a card from one of the American biohacklabs and joked that he would love to go on tour with his camera. But whenWedemain magazine commissioned him for a photo reportage in the United States, further supported by La Paillasse, the joke became reality.
By mid-February, it was decided: representing La Paillasse in the U.S. and Canada, Daily would take dozens of photos as well as bring back good practices for the Parisian biohacklab. Quitterie would play the indispensable role of coordinating teammate, while transforming the meetings initiated by Daily into more in-depth interviews. In late February, Daily took off for a three-month journey across North America, camera in hand, cell phone to ear. Quitterie guided him all along. The two of them covered 36 locations.
We invited Camille, Daily and Quitterie to tell their stories (past and future) on Makery. You’ll find their illustrated journeys on Makery in the following weeks. And we’re currently developing Roadtrip, a multimedia narrative tool that will enhance your reading experience.
Are you or do you know a labtrotter? Want to contribute to the Makery aventure? Perfect. Just write us >